Great sayings.
Those who are able to survive by struggling are the ones who are most deserving.
- Charles Darwin
If we believe in one thing and work in another, we will never find happiness.
- Freya Stark
The cause of man's downfall and salvation is not the world but his work.
- Proverbs
Winners don't do anything different, they do everything differently.
- Shiva Kheda
The key to success is courage.
- Wickensfield
Great character is built on great ideas.
- Vivekananda
No work starts without a dream.
- Carl Sandberg
Anyone who doesn't want to hear someone else's opinion / argument is a fanatic.
He who cannot argue is a fool. And,
He who does not dare to argue is a servant.
- Drummond
They stole my idea, I have no regrets. On the contrary, I am sorry that the poor have no idea of their own
- Nikola Tesla
A busy person does not have time to shed tears.
- Chanakya
Don't try to escape, this world is not for cowards. ''
- Swami Vivekananda
If you have the desire to win, you have already won half, if not, you have lost half. ''
- David Ambrose
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