
Showing posts from May, 2022

अल्बर्ट आइन्स्टाइनका दस भनाइहरू

Image   . १ ज्ञान भन्दा कल्पना धेरै शक्तिशाली हुन्छ । २. एकमात्र सच्चा मूल्यवान चिज आत्मज्ञान हो । ३. म भविष्यको बारेमा उस्तो सोच्दिन किनभने यो छिट्टै आउदछ । ४. धर्म विना विज्ञान लंगडो र विज्ञान विना धर्म अन्धो हुन्छ । ५. हामीले बलद्वारा शान्ति प्रप्त गर्न सक्दैनौ । मात्र समझदारीबाट शान्ति कायम राख्न सकिन्छ । ६. गणित गाह्रो लाग्छ भनेर चिन्तित नहोऊ । तिम्रो मस्तिष्क अझै पनि महान् छ । ७. यदि A सफलता हो भने, सूत्र हुन्छ A=X+Y+Z । जहाँ X भनेको कार्य, Y भनेको मनोरञ्जन र Z भनेको आफ्नो मुख बन्द राख्नु हो । ८. हिजबाट सिक, आजँका लागि बाचँ र भोल्का लागि आशा गर । सबैभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण कुरा हो, प्रश्न गर्न बन्द नगर्नु । ९. जुन व्यक्तिले कुनै पनि गल्ति गरेन भने उसले केही पनि सिकेन । १०. ईश्वर हुनुभन्दा अघि हामी सबै बराबर विद्वान र उतीनै मुर्ख थियौ ।

Great sayings.

Image  Those who are able to survive by struggling are the ones who are most deserving. - Charles Darwin If we believe in one thing and work in another, we will never find happiness. - Freya Stark The cause of man's downfall and salvation is not the world but his work. - Proverbs Winners don't do anything different, they do everything differently.  - Shiva Kheda The key to success is courage. - Wickensfield Great character is built on great ideas. - Vivekananda No work starts without a dream. - Carl Sandberg Anyone who doesn't want to hear someone else's opinion / argument is a fanatic. He who cannot argue is a fool. And, He who does not dare to argue is a servant. - Drummond They stole my idea, I have no regrets. On the contrary, I am sorry that the poor have no idea of ​​their own - Nikola Tesla  A busy person does not have time to shed tears.  - Chanakya Don't try to escape, this world is not for cowards. ''